- Swimming and tubing at the river, hot pools, and waterslides I have attached a price list for the hot pools and swimming pool. The reunion fund will cover the cost of Saturday's entrance fee. Thursday and Friday, you can swim at the river for free or pay to attend the other pools. Tubes are available to rent when you run the river. (singles, doubles, triples and quads) There is a group rate for those if any of us are interested. Friday would be a good day to do that because the finishing spot is right next to the Community Center.
- Main gathering spot will be at the Ranch Inn We have reserved a covered pavilion at the Ranch Inn for the entire reunion. That is where we will gather each day for meals and visiting. The address is 9611 E. Highway 30
- Yard Sale and Raffle/Auction Don't forget to bring your yard sale and raffle items. The reunion fund needs some refurbishing and this will help!
- Friday night at the Community Center From 2:00 until 11:00 we have reserved the Lava Community Center building which is a nice facility with plenty of seating, spacious kitchen, indoor restrooms, a stage with sound equipment, etc. That night, we will have a fun program after dinner, including Family Reunion Bingo, Guessing games, Kiddie Fish Pond, and lots of other fun stuff we haven't even thought of yet. The Community Center is located at 150 North Center
- Look-alike contest Refer back to an earlier post where I announced the Albert and Mary look-alike contest.
- Crafts for the kiddies There will be some fun crafts for the kids at the main gathering spot on Friday and Saturday. Feel free to bring your own stuff for this. (are there leftover beads from the 2007 reunion?)
- Lots of snacking! In keeping with tradition, we are requesting that all the cousins please bring snacks...cookies are always a favorite, but we are always open for new items!
- Pictures! Pictures! Pictures! If I can talk Mike into lugging it down, I have a real cute put your head through the hole backdrop for pictures. Let's tentatively plan to take family pictures on Saturday morning, just before swimming.
I hope to see you all at the reunion. It will be great fun!
P.S. Marie called to tell me that two rooms had opened up at the Ranch Inn...rooms 3 and 7. Call and ask to speak to Marie personally, because she wants to handle it herself. 1-208-776-9917 She will only save them until Monday, the 18th because she says she has tons of reservation requests. And, with that thought, I will also be releasing the hold on the rooms at the Home Motel in one week. (Otherwise, I will be responsible to pay for them, myself!)
And, please let me know if you plan to use the tenting option at the Ranch Inn. I need to let Marie know how many to rope off. So far, I have three from Tryina (did I remember that right, Tryina?) and one for Reba.